ACEC OR Bronze Award for Engineering Excellence | 2015 | Project 1
TAP Waterline Project, City of Ashland
Anticipating that their existing water supply may become inadequate due to the severity of the drought in 2013, the City of Ashland took steps to move forward with the Talent Ashland Phoenix (TAP) connection to provide emergency water in case their existing sources were unable to meet the water demands of the city. In March of 2014, RH2 was retained to develop the design and construction necessary to address this urgent issue by late summer of that same year – compressing a project that would normally span 2 years into only 5 months. An extraordinary amount of coordination and planning was required to complete the design and construction of 15,000 LF of transmission pipeline, upgrades to the existing pump stations in the cities of Phoenix and Talent, and a new temporary pump station in Ashland.