RH2 would like to recognize our own Brenda Lennox for her contributions to RH2 and her years of service to the Water community. Brenda is retiring June 13, 2019 after serving as our Strategic Relations Manager. She has been a valued team member, helping us support and serve our clients over the past 3 years. Her dedication to AWWA and the Water industry for over 30 years is admired by RH2 staff and industry professionals throughout the region. Brenda’s warm smile and customer-centric focus was a perfect complement to RH2’s commitment to our clients.
Brenda hopes to find ways to stay involved in the industry she truly loves through volunteering with the Pacific Northwest Section of the AWWA.
Thank you, Brenda, for being part of the RH2 team! We are honored to have been able to support you in your leadership of the Pacific Northwest Section and AWWA. We are excited to hear about the new experiences retirement brings your way.