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ACEC OR Honor Award for Engineering Excellence | 2022
Reservoir 3 Landslide Remediation and Seismic Upgrade, Rivergrove Water District

The Reservoir No. 3 Landslide Remediation and Seismic Upgrades project answered many of the reliability and maintenance questions for the District’s largest zone. Built in 1977, the tank site experienced a landslide shortly after being built, severely limiting access to the reservoir. The lack of critical infrastructure to efficiently take this tank offline hindered the District’s ability to perform regular operations and maintenance safely and effectively, including crucial repairs needed to ensure that the reservoir could remain in service during and after an earthquake.

This effort addressed these challenges through a carefully orchestrated series of improvements, including: top-down soil nail slope stabilization to protect against future landslides; pump station and pipeline improvements to increase redundancy and resilience; intertie and PRV improvements to improve reliability; and reservoir foundation and mechanical improvements to improve seismic performance. These improvements also provide the District with increased operational flexibility, ensuring the District can continue to provide its customers with safe, reliable drinking water.

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