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Beech Street Lift Station and Force Main
City of Yakima

Yakima, WA


Wastewater, Geotechnical, Environmental

RH2 utilized our expert problem-solving skills when partnering with the City of Yakima to implement a lift station and force main to replace a large gravity sewer interceptor that was under-performing due to inherent hydraulic and grade related issues. The design included the installation of 3,000 LF of 24-inch gravity sewer interceptor pipe, a 5,000 gpm capacity lift station, and 7,000 LF of force main. The force main was slip lined through the existing gravity interceptor and discharges into an existing outlet structure that combines flows from another large diameter force main and a 48-inch gravity interceptor. The lift station depth and pumping capabilities were designed to account for CIP projects addressing future growth.

The initial scope and the estimated construction costs were anticipated by RH2 to exceed the City’s budget for this series of CIP projects. Our evaluation of CIP projects enabled us to expertly recommend the order of precedence that should be taken and advise the City as to which projects would provide the most return on investment. As a result, completing the lift station immediately addressed a downstream flow capacity issue and eliminated operational concerns associated with a very wide range of pumping requirements (i.e., 300 gpm to 5,000 gpm). Our team's extensive and recent experience with this type of project afforded us the insight to bid this project as two separate schedules (i.e., the gravity interceptor as one, and the lift station and force main as the other), in the hopes of realizing additional cost savings. The City had initial reservations about the added complexity in the bidding and administration of such a contract, but was glad that they took our advice when the bids resulted in more than $1 million savings.

Our team provided construction contract administration services and oversaw the startup of the facility which was complete in 2018. Thanks to RH2’s committed involvement, the City of Yakima was able to realize a substantial cost saving and efficiently move forward in resolving the deficiencies of the existing gravity sewer interceptor near Beech Street.

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