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Water Reclamation Facilities Upgrades
City of Snoqualmie

Snoqualmie, WA


SCADA, Wastewater, Electrical

In 2015, RH2 Engineering was selected by the City of Snoqualmie to prepare an Engineering Report for approval by the Department of Ecology for several phased upgrades to their Water Reclamation Facility (WRF).

RH2 provided engineering services for the upgrades. This first phase upgrade would include UV disinfection system upgrades, backup power supply improvements, and a complete upgrade to the supervisory control and data acquistion (SCADA) system.

As the first phase was completed, RH2 continued working on the second phase design of the project which included significant improvements, replacements, and additions to existing infrastructure. Phase II addressed reducing costs and increasing reliability within the facility. These upgrades allowed the waste activated sludge to be treated and repurposed as nutrient-rich biosolids for approved farmlands.

With these modifications, the City is projected to save at least $4.2M in operating costs over the next 10 years.

This project was the largest construction contract in City of Snoqualmie history at the time of bid. The project finished on time and within the budget the City had for the project. The City considers this project to be a great success.

Click the link in the photos to learn more about this award winning project!

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